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European Roulette

European Roulette

The most popular variants are the European and American version of Roulette. In this article, you get easy and clear explanation to basic questions such as: What exactly are the differences between European and American Roulette? How is the European and American roulette similar or different from each other? How is online roulette different from offline roulette? And lastly, what are some benefits of playing online roulette than offline version?

European Roulette

As it has been mentioned in previous articles, the main difference between the two versions is in the number of wheels used for betting. The European Roulette has a maximum of three, whereas the American version has an unlimited number of wheels. The European Roulette has a lower house edge than the American version. For the purpose of betting, the house edge is considered as the percentage of profit that can be lost by a player when he or she wins less than his or her stake in a game. This means that if a player wins a game and then after the following number of games loses all his or her winnings, the player will still lose the amount of winnings from the first to the third game. However, the house edge for European roulette is a lot lower compared to the American version, which has a smaller house edge.

Since there is a lower house edge in European roulette, the player has higher chances of hitting more bets and hence increasing his or her winnings. However, this can sometimes bring a downfall because players often make the mistake of doubling their bets in just a short period of time. It has been known that some players have actually doubled their bets while others managed to miss paying off all their bets. Players need to be aware of this and always double their bets only when they have completely covered their losing bets.

American version vs 9Club Casino version

Although it is true that there are many differences between the American version of roulette and the 9Club Casino version, these differences do not translate into disadvantages. Most importantly, players need to play on the highest stakes in both versions of the game in order to gain the most benefits. As a result, they do not miss out on the 9Club Casino gaming options that are available to them. Online gambling sites offer players a variety of variants that can help them increase their chance of winning.

Betting options

The biggest difference between the online and real version of roulette is its European version that offers players a wide array of betting options. These include; number of table wins, combination of table and board bets, and maximum bets. Furthermore, players can also choose between fixed odds and flexible betting. The fixed odds are the most popular with many players, since they offer them a good chance of hitting the jackpot. Meanwhile, the flexible betting option gives them more betting options but they have to use more money.

Another thing that can make the European Roulette Strategy work is if players adopt a fair playing strategy. They should never bet just because they have a good hand. They should play the game carefully and try to get as high as possible by using the right European Roulette Strategy.

European Roulette Strategy

In fact, players can adopt the European Roulette Strategy in many different ways. For example, they can play the game with fewer table wins so that they can minimize their winnings at the end of the night. On the other hand, they can choose to play on multi-table as this will maximize their chances of winning. They can also choose the European Roulette table layout which has a single zero value and double zero value tables.

There are also European Roulette strategies that have the player only bet on the exact value of the pot. If they win, they earn money, but if they lose, they do not pay out. So in the event of a draw, they would only play on draws. The player should carefully select the size of the bet they want to place on the table. They need to be aware that there are certain requirements such as the payouts to be made by the end of the game. They must consider the odds of the game before choosing a European Roulette Strategy that they are going to play.